Wednesdays, February 12th to March 12th, 2025
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Fred Merrill Room, St. Justin’s Parish (English)
Consecration Date: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 (Solemnity of Saint Joseph)
Time to be confirmed.
“Now is the time to consecrate yourself to St. Joseph! God is telling his Church that, to defend marriage and the family, elevate morals, recover lost ground and win souls for Jesus Christ, we need to bring St. Joseph onto the battlefield. He is the Terror of Demons! With his powerful spiritual fatherhood, incredible love for his spiritual children, and constant intercession, the Church can be renewed as a light to the nations, a beautiful city on a hill.” Father Donald Calloway MIC.
We will be using Fr. Donald Calloway’s book, Consecration to St. Joseph – The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. You can get the English or Spanish copy from us (for $22.00) or buy them from The Mustard Seed, Peaceful Dove, or Amazon.